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Dragonfly Sunset

Dragonfly Sunset

Dragonflies can have many meanings, including representing the spirit world. In many cultures, animal totems or spirit animals are believed to be a way for spirit guides to communicate with humans. As a spirit animal, the dragonfly can represent the wisdom and resilience to adapt to change, and the ability to connect with nature and see the true nature of situations. 

Dragonflies can also symbolize self-awareness, self-love, and embracing personal power. They can represent strength, flexibility, creativity, and self-actualization, and encourage people to connect with their ability to transform. 

Native Americans believed that dragonflies were the "souls of the dead." Seeing a dragonfly around a loved one's death could signify that the loved one's soul has taken form in the dragonfly's spirit, and that their soul is free.

Lainee K. Designs

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