Both Meditation and Mindfulness are big buzz words right now. Even though I often hear them used interchangeably, there is a difference between them. Meditation is often done in sitting, silence or with a guided meditation. It allows one to quiet the mind and at times envision the goals of the future. The difference between prayer and meditation, as it was once described to me, is prayer is the asking for help, answers and direction. Meditation is quieting enough to hear the answer.
Mindfulness on the other hand can be done at anytime. I often practice mindfulness when I am doing the dishes. Something I used to loathe now provides a quiet tranquility. I find gratitude in washing the dishes of my family, thankful for their presence in my life. I take reverence in the warm water and the fresh smell of the dish soap.
In this image, a Monk at the horizon line, walks in peaceful mindfulness. Feeling into each step. Staying balanced with every intentional step. He smells the air; hears the sounds; feels the earth under his feet. He feels gratitude for the clean air that he breathes. This is not about the destination but in fact, all about the journey. Enjoy the journey, friends.
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